Receive full Category5 Technology TV weekly episodes by email for free.

Here’s a new feature of our service which I’m really excited about…

Now, you can receive Category5.TV’s weekly episodes by email!

It looks something like this:

Receive Category5.TV episodes by email.

Receive Category5.TV episodes by email.

This is really exciting because it means you can receive this really cool (and non-spammy) reminder each week once an episode is available.  It’s not a dumb notice, or a “click here for our web site”.  It’s literally an email that gives you 1) a screenshot from the episode, 2) a description of what we did in the episode (the main topic), 3) direct links to download the episode for free and 4) a handy “play now” link which will open a player window and instantly begin streaming the show to your device.

Activate Weekly Email

To activate this awesome feature on your free account, simply login at Category5.TV and choose “Members” -> “My Profile”, and you’ll see the new option “Weekly episode by email” as per the above image.  Check it off and press Save Settings.  Don’t worry, you can turn it off at any time, and we never spam you (it’s against our beliefs as non-spammers)!

Don’t have an account?  No worries; it’s free, and easy!  Just visit and sign up today.

Please activate the feature, and once you’ve received your mailout (comes out when each episode becomes available; usually Wednesday mornings), let me know what you think.  I would love to hear your comments below.

Thanks for watching Category5 Technology TV!  Thanks also to _Jot_ for assisting me with the beta testing.

Why am I receiving virus emails from old friends?

A customer emailed me, puzzled by why they’re suddenly receiving a bunch of virus emails from friends they haven’t spoken to in a number of years.

These types of mass-mail viruses can be very confusing, since they nearly always appear to come from someone you know.

Here’s why and how that happens…

Let’s say someone who you haven’t talked to in a few years (we’ll call him “Bruce”), who is part of the same “circle of friends”, caught a virus.  So the virus goes into their address book and starts mass mailing everyone in the address book, and spoofs who it is from.

Bruce’s address book:

  • John
  • Betty
  • Doug

Bruce gets a virus.  The virus sends an email to John pretending to be Betty, and an email to Doug pretending to be John.

Doug replies to John and says “You have a virus!” But John doesn’t have a virus; Bruce does.

It’s often difficult or impossible to track down the true culprit, and that’s why it’s imperative that everyone on Microsoft Windows have an up-to-date Virus Scanner such as ESET Smart Security 6.  It is also important on any platform (Windows, Mac, Linux, or even Smart Phone) that you be familiar with phishing scams, and be extra cautious what you open or click.